Vantage Power receives Award from National Instruments

On 3rd November 2014 Balazs Pal and Toby Schulz were presented with the runner-up award in the transportation category at the National Instruments Engineering Impact Awards 2014. Coming second behind the overall winner from all categories, Vantage Power's application was praised by the judges as an innovative deployment of their tools and for the industry beating speed of development for such a product.

Vantage Power have been using National Instruments hardware and software tools for the development of their B320 retrofit hybrid system for buses. The unique combination of integrated software and hardware has allowed the seamless transition from control algorithm design and stand-alone testing to full prototype vehicle deployment.

In a powertrain system where every single component has the ability to be connected via electronic control, optimising the use of each subsystem is an important factor in ensuring overall system efficiency. Vantage Power has prototyped innovative methods of reducing fuel consumption through its system design and electronic control. The combination of both giving 40% real-world fuel savings.

Link to National Instruments Engineering Impact Awards 2014.